A brand new year

 Savoring simple daily pleasures

we are in the throes of mid-summer here- although the view outside my window at this moment is trying to tell a different story! But with the new year in the southern hemisphere, despite the warmer weather, I still feel an urge to declutter, organize and simplify. Maybe after the festivities of Christmas and the new gifts we have perhaps welcomed and found new homes for, the desire to start a fresh as a new year rolls round and the pause before the academic year starts up again always inspires me to be as tidy, streamlined and organized as I can be. 

I have tackled smallish little "hot spots" of clutter in the past weeks - particularly on rainy days. I love opening the fridge to see a fresh variety of produce that's inviting and accessible. I try to purge the fridge every 2 weeks or so to make sure there aren't too many occasions to find a limp, yellowing head of broccoli, a slimy cucumber or cant-quite-remember leftovers. 

Often the new year brings promise of fresh starts, healthy eating plans, new routines and schedules. Where better place to start than the fridge as its generally a do-able and immediately rewarding task. I take everything out shelf by shelf, wipe the insides and handles and then only replace what's fresh and in date and I group similar items: A box for cheeses, cold meats, dairy on one shelf, salads in one drawer, vegetables in another and a fully filled, sparking water bottle arsenal at the top- we go through liters and liters as its practically all we drink as a family....and coffee of course! 

I don't tend to have to throw much away as I do this regularly and combined with meal planning I usually use mostly what I have- on occasion though, I'll take all the less than crispy vegetables and make a soup or stock. Its lovely to merchandise the items and make them look attractive and inviting- a vintage bowl holds my lemons, and a glass shallow dish for the cut lemon and ginger. Fresh and Zingy and not only easier to reach for than a less healthful snack but inspiring and a joy to prepare a nourishing meal from. 

Today the towel cupboard is next on my list. Its beach season, so fresh towels are reached for and pulled down haphazardly to the extent that last night I was unable to put the freshly laundered ones back as they were so badly jammed back in! It wont take more than 10 minutes but I know I feel so accomplished- not to mention relieved- once its done, and will enjoy reaching for a towel on our next sandy outing. 

Yesterday, on the spur of the moment, both my husband and I decided to tackle our walk in closet. ( A miracle in itself as we rarely, if ever, de clutter these kinds of areas together usually) 

With the help of an enthusiastic teen fashionista and the quiet encouragement from a comfortably dozing cat, we tried on, piled up, bagged, sorted, organized and re arranged for 3 hours! Our walk in now resembles more of a boutique than an over stuffed discount store; several bags are ready to be dropped off to donate, my daughter scored a few gems of hand me downs, and a friend called in to shop my closet and was thrilled with her "new" items. It was such a satisfying feeling I almost want to do it again to get rid of another layer.... 

I have however made a promise to myself: Having really truly witnessed the extent of my wardrobe- including pieces I'd even forgotten were in there (!)  and the terrifying number of shoes my daughter delighted in counting, I vow to not purchase ANY MORE CLOTHING OR FOOTWARE IN 2024! 


2 exceptions I will allow myself-  

I am able to replace my running shoes if they ware out. 

And if I need to purchase a dress for the formal wedding we have be invited to attend, I will find a pre loved solution. 

I am actually really looking forward to the challenge, to applying the discipline and to the lessons I will no doubt learn. I feel a little buzz at the thought of making it successfully, of the other areas I can extend this to (Lipstick, candles...) and a glow of the financial savings that will result. 

My life is abundant already. I have more than enough, and the things I enjoy most are not the items I clothe myself in, but the places I go and the people I'm with. A rainy walk (plenty of those to come I have no doubt!) A walk at Twighlight on the beach, coffee early in the morning while my cats enjoy their breakfast, a good book, a cuddle on the couch, the scent of a home grown rose, a belly laugh. These are the things we treasure. Not another pair of camel ballet flats. 

Simple. Everyday. Living. 



  1. I wasn't aware you had a blog! I look forward to sitting down with a cup of tea today and reading all your posts. xoxo


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