Time to step back and reflect

 Savoring Simple Daily Pleasures

Gosh, it feels like  an age since I quietly sat to write at home. But my mind has been busy, in the best possible way. 

Its hard to believe only a few short days ago I was soaking up the hot Fijian sunshine, cooling off in the crystal clear waters and spending precious time with my dearest, oldest friend who lives on the other side of the world to me. 

It was an experience of many "firsts". I hadn't left my family behind since becoming a mother over 16 years ago, we had no schedule whatsoever, and my companion had never been to Fiji.

This left much time for reflection and thoughts to swirl, peppered with SOOO much conversation, reminiscing and belly laughs' till the tears streamed down our faces. A tonic for the soul indeed.

After an emotional farewell as we made our way to separate flights, I received a message from saying she'd not felt so grounded in years. It was as though the penny dropped. That was exactly how I was feeling too.  I was overtaken by a feeling of immense gratitude, and calm and balance. 

So incredibly fortunate to be able to have such an extraordinary time, but to connect on such a deep level with a friend, with whom you share so much history - and to draw countless parallels from our lives despite living in different hemispheres. 

It has been easy to pare back the unnecessary woes and worries since my return, to be more Laissez Faire, and to allow daily tasks and necessities to just unfold in a way I haven't been so free with for years. It was a delight to come home to the welcoming arms of my family and a valuable lesson in their capabilities, the limits and demands I inflict on myself and - to be brutally honest, my self imposed unrealistic standards! 

I'm quite certain it wont all be plain sailing, and of course there will be future challenges, hurdles and bumps. But I plan to do my best to take a metaphorical and physical step back to reflect and breathe before engaging in them. The island life mentality is infectious but can be quickly forgotten when as with today, the to do list is growing, Monday is looming and the rain is lashing at the windows. But the joy and happiness that radiates from the Fijians is something I know my friend carried back to the UK and that made me re observe such a beautiful inspiring trait. 

Its so easy to get caught up in the busyness and race through the week, not treasure the moments of joy, or calm, or peace, or humor in our days. Especially as we approach Christmas. So this morning, I allowed myself a quiet gentle start, I am enjoying the sound of the rain and the feeling of justification of cosy inside jobs, and am savoring a simple posy I picked -as the rain fell- for the kitchen table with some home made beeswax candles my girls made years ago that were unearthed during a clear out yesterday! A simple tableaux of spring. 

I feel extraordinarily blessed to have the most incredible loving family here, who supported and celebrated our trip, (And I returned to a clean tidy organized home!) but also to have a treasured friendship of over 35 years. I am humbled by my fortune and my cup truly runneth over. 


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